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Comic Con 2015

In the past few years multiple Comic Con events have appeared, all of which have managed to gain the attention of many audiences and impressed them with a one of a kind offering. However, the original Comic Con, the one in San Diego is now stronger than ever, and this year it will provide us with countless fun.
It will have a preview night on July 8, but the doors will be opened from July 9-12, and you will be able to have a lot of fun finding out new stuff in the comic book world, checking out the numerous cosplayers and, as always, attending to the panels. This year, Marvel will not come to the event, at least based on the rumors, which is a little odd, but hopefully they do have something in mind for the other Comic Con events, we can only hope that. It’s a little strange to not see one of the major comic book players here, but who knows the reason behind this!
So, pretty much like each year, there are a ton of exhibitors and all of them from a variety of domains. You got Hachette, Hallmark Cards, but also Mattel, GameRave, Flophouse, Funko, Magboo and many other companies coming in to what can be seen as the major event right now.
It seems that many gaming companies will come here as well, so it will be a great place to check out the newest stuff in the gaming world alongside being able to find out more about the new comics.
DC is going strong in the movie sector as well, so one can only hope that they are going to have even more cool stuff to show from their shows, maybe a trailer, teaser, who knows.
It’s a little hard to determine the exact schedule, because aside from the hall hours, there’s not that much stuff available for the public at this particular moment, which is indeed understandable. Still, this is one of those events we do not want to miss, because this year, aside from the cool panels, we will also be able to find out more about some new, cool shows as well as previews for the upcoming new seasons as well.
To be honest, I had a lot of fun each year at Comic Con, and I am truly sure that this year will bring in more of the same. It’s so nice to come to these events year after year, and there’s indeed a lot to check out all the time.
Some might call it a drug, but coming to this event is just something you have to do each year, especially if you are a geek or a comic book fan, as this is the epiphany of the geek culture, so coming here is well worth it, that’s for sure. Prepare to be amazed and to enter a one of a kind world this July!