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Comic Con 2015

In the past few years multiple Comic Con events have appeared, all of which have managed to gain the attention of many audiences and impressed them with a one of a kind offering. However, the original Comic Con, the one in San Diego is now stronger than ever, and this year it will provide us with countless fun.
It will have a preview night on July 8, but the doors will be opened from July 9-12, and you will be able to have a lot of fun finding out new stuff in the comic book world, checking out the numerous cosplayers and, as always, attending to the panels. This year, Marvel will not come to the event, at least based on the rumors, which is a little odd, but hopefully they do have something in mind for the other Comic Con events, we can only hope that. It’s a little strange to not see one of the major comic book players here, but who knows the reason behind this!
So, pretty much like each year, there are a ton of exhibitors and all of them from a variety of domains. You got Hachette, Hallmark Cards, but also Mattel, GameRave, Flophouse, Funko, Magboo and many other companies coming in to what can be seen as the major event right now.
It seems that many gaming companies will come here as well, so it will be a great place to check out the newest stuff in the gaming world alongside being able to find out more about the new comics.
DC is going strong in the movie sector as well, so one can only hope that they are going to have even more cool stuff to show from their shows, maybe a trailer, teaser, who knows.
It’s a little hard to determine the exact schedule, because aside from the hall hours, there’s not that much stuff available for the public at this particular moment, which is indeed understandable. Still, this is one of those events we do not want to miss, because this year, aside from the cool panels, we will also be able to find out more about some new, cool shows as well as previews for the upcoming new seasons as well.
To be honest, I had a lot of fun each year at Comic Con, and I am truly sure that this year will bring in more of the same. It’s so nice to come to these events year after year, and there’s indeed a lot to check out all the time.
Some might call it a drug, but coming to this event is just something you have to do each year, especially if you are a geek or a comic book fan, as this is the epiphany of the geek culture, so coming here is well worth it, that’s for sure. Prepare to be amazed and to enter a one of a kind world this July!

Tron 3 Stopped Production…

Tron 3 Stopped Production…

I have to say that I loved the original Tron movie and, despite the criticism, I felt that the sequel, Tron Legacy also did a great job when it comes to the story and visuals. I love the world of Tron and the simple idea of entering it again and again is something magical for me. So when I heard back in 2011 that they want to create a sequel which will follow the events in the second one I was…

The Binding of Isaac

After the great success he achieved with Super Meat Boy, Edmund McMillen has decided to bring in a whole new take on the roguelike genre by releasing none other than The Binding of Isaac, a game that successfully manages to integrate roguelike elements into a stellar, one of a kind narrative that you are bound to enjoy.

The main idea here is simple, you play the role of a baby that tries to reunite with his mother, however the way he does that is very interesting and well worth checking out. The Binding of Isaac was created to show the twisty side of a human being and the nerves that come with it. In fact, the game features a very large, bizarre world filled with tons of cool challenges as well as a wide range of interesting features for you to enjoy. Not only that, but the game is also designed to provide boss battles, which I particularly enjoy because they are varied and filled with extraordinary challenges.
Having randomly generated dungeons increases the overall replayability of The Binding of Isaac quite a lot, I have to say, and there is so much content as well as gameplay to be had here that you will surely appreciate.

The gameplay on its own is solid for me, because you use a good, quick and fun shooting mechanic where you choose where to shoot and perform the shots as fast as possible. Since you can shoot in multiple directions, there’s a ton of fun to be had here, and the replay factor is immense in this regard.

Enemies are fun and varied, but they all have a disturbing theme which for me is very cool to be honest. However, the salt and pepper here are the bosses which not only look nice, but they are very hard to defeat and without strategies you can’t defeat them at all.
With more than 100 items in the game that can be found as you play, there’s a lot of stuff to check out and customize your character with. Also, thanks to the 4 full chapters and multiple endings, The Binding of Isaac is a great experience on its own, one that provides you with an astounding value at all times.

The unlockable items also bring a great experience overall, because it’s something different, something that manages to combine a fun and viral type of gameplay with the roguelike environment. For me, it’s The Binding of Isaac and Dungeons of Dredmor that ooze new life in the otherwise tiresome roguelike recipe, so yes, I am very impressed by then high quality offered here and the multiple endings that add up in order to provide and even more impressive experience as a whole.

Is The Binding of Isaac a game to play right now? Considering that the game already has a sequel, you can easily get it cheaply during the numerous Steam sales, so it’s a great game to enjoy all the time, especially since it has an insane replay value. Give it a shot, it’s one game that you don’t want to miss!


Detroit Movement Festival

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If you are a fan of electronic music, then you should try and access all the electronic music festivals in your area. For Detroit residents, one of the most important events in this regard is definitely the Detroit Movement Festival, which not only has managed to acquire a lot of attention in the past few years, but which has managed to bring in a wide range of new, impressive music from all…

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Detroit Movement Festival


If you are a fan of electronic music, then you should try and access all the electronic music festivals in your area. For Detroit residents, one of the most important events in this regard is definitely the Detroit Movement Festival, which not only has managed to acquire a lot of attention in the past few years, but which has managed to bring in a wide range of new, impressive music from all over the country.

The interesting thing is that since 2000, the Detroit Movement Festival has grown so much that it has required a larger and larger venue. This year, according to the estimates, more than 120000 people came to see their electronic music idols, and I for one I am certain that more and more will come in the next years as well.

What did we find at the Detroit Movement Festival which just ended? More than 100 different, amazing electronic music performers, as well as a large number of electronic masters from all over the world, which have managed to create quite the experience.

I for one I was impressed by the high variety of internationals that came here, with Shigeto, Ryan Elliot, Matrixxman as well as many others highlighting the festival’s schedule which was really cool.

The music was with an even higher quality this time and the venue was amazing because it did bring more space than last time. We now had the opportunity to listen music instead of just battling to get a better location.

Moreover, I also enjoyed the high variety of music, which at least for me was a lot better than last year. But this is not all, I feel that all the service has increased with numerous amenities being available for everyone.

The ticket per day scheme worked nicely, but there was so much to listen to that even if you sat there all day you couldn’t listen to them all since there were shows which took place at the same time. Having so much music to listen to and a ton of variety is all that the Detroit Movement Festival is about, and I must say that it definitely managed to exceed all my expectations. It was an astounding experience and one that I regard as being one of the best concerts out there.

Everyone was there, from legends to newcomers, and most of them were live, so what can be better than this?

Overall, Detroit Movement Festival has managed to, once again, surpass the expectation and this year’s event was amazing. We can look backward with pride but, at the same time, I have to say that I am curious how they will surpass this years’ experience. We just have to wait around 360 more days for the next one.


Game of Thrones S. 5 and what we know…. Dragons!!


Game of Thrones is one of those massive books and TV series that can rarely be described in just a few words, but in this article we are going to focus on some of the most important things about the series. Game of Thrones started off easily with a focus on character development, and then it started to focus on sexuality intrigue and politics early on.
There are two main continents in Game of Thrones, Essos and Westeros where the action takes place. In the series we are focusing mainly on the Westeros region where we will see that each region is ruled by a certain house/family, mainly the Arryn, Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Tyrell, Greyjoy and Tully.
During the crisis, things have changed exponentially, with the Baratheon family seeing an untimely death and thus triggering a war of succession. The three brothers will try to fight with one another, some with the support from the adjacent regions. The younger brother, Jeofferey wants the leader of the Stark family executed, which creates a war. Now, Rob, the remaining leader of the Stark family tries to defeat his enemies and thus leaves his castle undefended which is conquered in the meantime by the Greyjoys.
In Essos however, Darnerys Targeryen was sold as a slave but in the meantime she tries to escape and continually tries to plot her revenge the best way she can. She becomes the master of dragons and thus plans to take the throne back. She frees most of the nomadic cities in the region and thus tries to gather an army in this regard.
Back in Westeros, the white walkers that come from the other side of the wall are representing yet another threat, which does stir up numerous consequences. The fourth season of Game of Thrones focuses even more on betrayal and character development as we will follow Arya, find out the Jeoffrey will get murdered later on and we will witness the battle between the wildlings and the Night’s watch.
And this is all that leads up to current, fifth season which brings in even more stunning events. Right from the start Game of Thrones is a show that is complex and filled with intrigue, but at the same time it brings in so much potential that watching it is well worth it. You know that with Game of Thrones there’s always something nice and exciting to explore, especially through the unique special effects and the intrigues. Sure, there are so many characters to explore, and each one having most of the time his/her own agenda, which makes the show an amazing one.
Despite the fact that this show focuses on its plot a lot, the special effects have managed to bring in an amazing world to life, and it just works great in this regard.
As you can see, Game of Thrones is a great TV show, one of the best airing right now and you can rest assured that it’s one of the best, most interesting shows out there. Don’t hesitate and check it out right now, as it continues its march through the fifth season!

Dirt Rally and it’s Early Access Debut


The Early Access scheme from Steam didn’t live up to its potential, because many developers are seeing it as a quick cash grab unfortunately, even though it’s far from being such a thing. With the help of Dirt Rally, Codemasters want to bring in a whole new rally themed game, a much better one than Dirt 3 ever was, as this time Rally is the main and only focus of the series.

So, how is Dirt Rally in Early Access? For me it’s close to a complete game because not only it has more than 20 tracks which you can dive right in, but it also has multiplayer enabled and a lot of other cool stuff. Of course, there are things that aren’t there yet, such as the great and interesting hill climb or a trailblazer like in the third installment, but the great gameplay and a multitude of content is already added in, which is really nice to be honest.

Driving in Dirt Rally is a thing of beauty, and it’s as real as you would expect. The driving conditions affect the car unlike ever before, and there are many situations top go through which you have to endure the best way you can.

The car has damage, so you have to drive carefully, and thankfully the game does offer support for racing wheels and controllers even in its early version, which for me is a great thing to be honest.

You get the real driving experience you always wanted, with the car behaving as realistic as possible, but at the same time it also tries to offer you a multitude of challenges that you have to go through and endure the best way possible.

The career mode is a great opener for me, because not only it provides a ton of content but it’s also filled with things such as team management, vehicle upgrades and a great AI that is quite demanding and, based on my experience with the game, a very hard to beat one to be honest. This driving game offers a lot of challenge, and I am pretty sure that even if you’re not a rally game fan, you will enjoy the great opportunities that are provided here, that’s a given.

Graphically, Dirt Rally does look even better and, in my opinion, more realistic than Dirt 3, which does play a major role when it comes to the overall fun of the gameplay, at least in my experience.

I know Dirt Rally isn’t a full release yet, but it does seem to be one, considering the high amount of polish and the great quality that the game provides even in the current state. The Early Access version is out for one month now and the devs already updated the game a few times, so they are indeed hard at work on creating the best possible rally experience that we always wanted to check out. Sure, things can go bad down the road, but as it sits right now, Dirt Rally looks like a solid investment if you want a challenge and love racing games!

The Witches of ‘Salem’ and where we’re at


Salem is one of those TV series that literally appeared out of nowhere but which immediately managed to create a loyal audience thanks to the wide range of interesting plot lines and through its unique setting as a whole. Being able to see a series based on the Witch Trials of Salem is not only great, but also quite scary, if you consider the fact that this series is quite fictional at times, despite being based on a true story.
So, what happened up to this point in Salem? The show started with a pregnant Mary Sibley that was helped by Tituba in selling her soul. In the pilot we were able to see the true self of those witches, while also being able to follow the story of John Alden which returned to the city where everything has changed, mainly due to Cotton who continually infested the public opinion with the witch’s paranoia.
Mary, the true witch will start a rampage between the villagers, which will continue in the first few episodes of the first season, even though we get to see some of her human side as well.
We will then see how Mary continues to have a great grasp on Mercy Lewis, even though her powers are weakening more and more, something that can actually be seen by Cotton and the other villagers. Tituba shows that instead of trying to be an ally to the witches, she actually has her own agenda, which also involves casting a few spells.
Cotton and John are desperately trying to catch the witches but they manage to get only a single one, Rose, which plays a trick on them and disappears. We even manage to see flashbacks throughout the season in which we find out how Mary became an all so powerful witch!
A little while after the aforementioned events the Increased Mather will appear, and this has a very important role until the end of the season.
From here onward a major focus will be placed on Increase and Mary, especially the interactions between the two and how they manage to survive in a world that definitely isn’t big enough for both of them.
Anne determines that she is a witch and this will lead to numerous conflicts with her loved ones as she tries to determine which the best solution is.
Going in the finale was a great experience and man the battle between Mary and Increase was an intense one. This was focused mainly on the idea of Mary trying to complete the grand rite. In the meantime, Anne kills her father and mother because she refuses to accept that she is a witch, while the first season ends up with Dollie wanting revenge against Mary, as she claims that she is the Queen of the Night.
Mary has also initiated the second act of the Grand Rite and she even teams with one of her former foes in order to keep complete control over her power in Salem. The last thing that happened up to this point sees Mary and the Countess of Marburg as they battle for Salem
As you can see, Salem is an intense series with lots of cool stuff to check out, and you can rest assured that this is not series you want to miss. It’s fun and delighting action as well as the fast pace clearly shows that Salem has a lot to offer, so I encourage you to give this series a try!

Game of Thrones What we know… Dragons!

Game of Thrones What we know… Dragons!

[jaw_section size=”12″][/jaw_section] Game of Thrones is one of those massive books and TV series that can rarely be described in just a few words, but in this article we are going to focus on some of the most important things about the series. Game of Thrones started off easily with a focus on character development, and then it started to focus on sexuality intrigue and politics early on. There…

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Dirty Rally and it’s Early Access Debut

Dirty Rally and it’s Early Access Debut

The Early Access scheme from Steam didn’t live up to its potential, because many developers are seeing it as a quick cash grab unfortunately, even though it’s far from being such a thing. With the help of Dirt Rally, Codemasters want to bring in a whole new rally themed game, a much better one than Dirt 3 ever was, as this time Rally is the main and only focus of the series. So, how is Dirt Rally…

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