Tron 3 Stopped Production…

Tron 3 Stopped Production…

I have to say that I loved the original Tron movie and, despite the criticism, I felt that the sequel, Tron Legacy also did a great job when it comes to the story and visuals. I love the world of Tron and the simple idea of entering it again and again is something magical for me. So when I heard back in 2011 that they want to create a sequel which will follow the events in the second one I was…

No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky

One of the major trends in today’s gaming world comes in the form of survival, as people do want to experience different situations in a virtual manner. To some extent, this is what No Man’s Sky tries to achieve, because it brings in a procedurally generated open universe game.
You are taking the role of a person that’s a planetary explorer and your mission is to explore the game worlds, find new…


Detroit Movement Festival

Movement Logo


If you are a fan of electronic music, then you should try and access all the electronic music festivals in your area. For Detroit residents, one of the most important events in this regard is definitely the Detroit Movement Festival, which not only has managed to acquire a lot of attention in the past few years, but which has managed to bring in a wide range of new, impressive music from all…

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Game of Thrones S. 5 and what we know…. Dragons!!


Game of Thrones is one of those massive books and TV series that can rarely be described in just a few words, but in this article we are going to focus on some of the most important things about the series. Game of Thrones started off easily with a focus on character development, and then it started to focus on sexuality intrigue and politics early on.
There are two main continents in Game of Thrones, Essos and Westeros where the action takes place. In the series we are focusing mainly on the Westeros region where we will see that each region is ruled by a certain house/family, mainly the Arryn, Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Tyrell, Greyjoy and Tully.
During the crisis, things have changed exponentially, with the Baratheon family seeing an untimely death and thus triggering a war of succession. The three brothers will try to fight with one another, some with the support from the adjacent regions. The younger brother, Jeofferey wants the leader of the Stark family executed, which creates a war. Now, Rob, the remaining leader of the Stark family tries to defeat his enemies and thus leaves his castle undefended which is conquered in the meantime by the Greyjoys.
In Essos however, Darnerys Targeryen was sold as a slave but in the meantime she tries to escape and continually tries to plot her revenge the best way she can. She becomes the master of dragons and thus plans to take the throne back. She frees most of the nomadic cities in the region and thus tries to gather an army in this regard.
Back in Westeros, the white walkers that come from the other side of the wall are representing yet another threat, which does stir up numerous consequences. The fourth season of Game of Thrones focuses even more on betrayal and character development as we will follow Arya, find out the Jeoffrey will get murdered later on and we will witness the battle between the wildlings and the Night’s watch.
And this is all that leads up to current, fifth season which brings in even more stunning events. Right from the start Game of Thrones is a show that is complex and filled with intrigue, but at the same time it brings in so much potential that watching it is well worth it. You know that with Game of Thrones there’s always something nice and exciting to explore, especially through the unique special effects and the intrigues. Sure, there are so many characters to explore, and each one having most of the time his/her own agenda, which makes the show an amazing one.
Despite the fact that this show focuses on its plot a lot, the special effects have managed to bring in an amazing world to life, and it just works great in this regard.
As you can see, Game of Thrones is a great TV show, one of the best airing right now and you can rest assured that it’s one of the best, most interesting shows out there. Don’t hesitate and check it out right now, as it continues its march through the fifth season!

Game of Thrones What we know… Dragons!

Game of Thrones What we know… Dragons!

[jaw_section size=”12″][/jaw_section] Game of Thrones is one of those massive books and TV series that can rarely be described in just a few words, but in this article we are going to focus on some of the most important things about the series. Game of Thrones started off easily with a focus on character development, and then it started to focus on sexuality intrigue and politics early on. There…

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Dirty Rally and it’s Early Access Debut

Dirty Rally and it’s Early Access Debut

The Early Access scheme from Steam didn’t live up to its potential, because many developers are seeing it as a quick cash grab unfortunately, even though it’s far from being such a thing. With the help of Dirt Rally, Codemasters want to bring in a whole new rally themed game, a much better one than Dirt 3 ever was, as this time Rally is the main and only focus of the series. So, how is Dirt Rally…

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The Witches of ‘Salem’ and where we’re at

The Witches of ‘Salem’ and where we’re at

Salem is one of those TV series that literally appeared out of nowhere but which immediately managed to create a loyal audience thanks to the wide range of interesting plot lines and through its unique setting as a whole. Being able to see a series based on the Witch Trials of Salem is not only great, but also quite scary, if you consider the fact that this series is quite fictional at times,…

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Penny Dreadful Season 2 is off to a Great Start!

Penny Dreadful Season 2 is off to a Great Start!

Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful

If you haven’t started to watch it already (even though you should), then you have to know that Penny Dreadful is a TV show which combines horror and drama quite nicely, in order to create an intriguing story.

The main narrative line here relies around the penny dreadfuls which are basically some fiction publications from the 19th century, from the UK, which focused mostly on the sensational and…

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Chappie: Movie Directed by Neill Blomkamp Written for and Starring Die Antwoord

Chappie Movie Poster

Chappie Movie Poster

In the past few years, artificial intelligence has really taken off, and we can clearly say that in one day, it will actually help or even overcome our capabilities. This is exactly what Chappie is all about, because this is a movie in which we are able to see how a robot receives intelligence up to the point that it can actually feel emotions.

Right from the start, Chappie shows us a society on…

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