Tron 3 Stopped Production…

Tron 3 Stopped Production…

I have to say that I loved the original Tron movie and, despite the criticism, I felt that the sequel, Tron Legacy also did a great job when it comes to the story and visuals. I love the world of Tron and the simple idea of entering it again and again is something magical for me. So when I heard back in 2011 that they want to create a sequel which will follow the events in the second one I was…

Chappie: Movie Directed by Neill Blomkamp Written for and Starring Die Antwoord

Chappie Movie Poster

Chappie Movie Poster

In the past few years, artificial intelligence has really taken off, and we can clearly say that in one day, it will actually help or even overcome our capabilities. This is exactly what Chappie is all about, because this is a movie in which we are able to see how a robot receives intelligence up to the point that it can actually feel emotions.

Right from the start, Chappie shows us a society on…

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Chappie Movie Poster

Chappie: Movie Directed by Neill Blomkamp Written for and Starring Die Antwoord

Chappie Movie Poster

In the past few years, artificial intelligence has really taken off, and we can clearly say that in one day, it will actually help or even overcome our capabilities. This is exactly what Chappie is all about, because this is a movie in which we are able to see how a robot receives intelligence up to the point that it can actually feel emotions.

Right from the start, Chappie shows us a society on the brink of collapse and which can only be helped by robots. The nice thing here is that the main character, a robot, is nicely portrayed and it feels pretty much like a modern day Pinocchio as he tries to explore the world in which he lives in. Due to the emotions and drama in this movie, we can easily compare it with Automata and multiple other similar movies which brought this premise of a society on the brink of extinction, in which robots are so much more than they actually seem at this particular point.

One of the main characters, Deon, also known as Chappie’s father, wants to go away from the killer robot complex, and instead he wants to create an android that not only knows how to fight, but which also appreciates art, read books and which can talk on its own. He steals the remains of a failed experiment and implements them in Chappie.

After a few unfortunate twists, the robot find itself alone and then he has to decide on its own what is right and what is wrong, in a very impressive adventure that you can easily relate to.

Chappie brings in some amazing and impressive visual effects, with the robots looking very realistic. At the same time, the CG here is quite good, despite the low budget that the movie had right from the start.

I found Chappie as being a movie with a few flaws in its story, as I personally feel that this could have been a little better, but it’s still a very fun, enjoyable and sometimes amusing movie that’s well worth your time. It does have its own issues, yet Chappie is a character that you can easily relate to, and because of that the experience is improved quite a lot.

The movie soundtrack was quite good for me, and I have to say that I liked it a lot. It’s very interesting to see how a robot would react if it would have a heart and it could have emotions, and Chappie does manage to show that in a very interesting manner. Sure, it could be better, as some of the ideas in the movie were left unexplored and at point the CG is not that great, but if you fancy the idea of a robot that has to experience human life, then Chappie is well worth your time!

7.2/10 IMDB

I can agree with that 7.2, but I would lean more to an 8/10. Just because of being such a fan of not only the director, but the stars. This movie really was such a treat for me.

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Pixels the Movie – Adam Sandler Shows you how pixelated art is becoming cool again.

Pixels Art Cover

We are all accustomed to see 8-bit or 16-bit games making a comeback on consoles and platforms such as Steam, but it seems that movies are set to integrate this as well. Pixels is a new movie created as a homage to the golden era of gaming, and it’s designed around the idea that NASA sent back in 1982 a set of time capsules into space which include footage and images from the culture and life on…

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Pixels the Movie – Adam Sandler Shows you how pixelated art is becoming cool again.

We are all accustomed to see 8-bit or 16-bit games making a comeback on consoles and platforms such as Steam, but it seems that movies are set to integrate this as well. Pixels is a new movie created as a homage to the golden era of gaming, and it’s designed around the idea that NASA sent back in 1982 a set of time capsules into space which include footage and images from the culture and life on Earth at that time.

The downside is that Aliens have misinterpreted those signals and thought that the classic arcade games are a declaration of war, so start off attacking our world using video game characters.

What I like about the plot of this movie is surely the fact that these aliens have the tech to create 3D, pixellated and holographic pixels that can change their form, so they can literally adapt to any form of matter. This opens up numerous possibilities which we will be able to see when the movie appears in theaters.

The president will call upon a team of retro gamers that know everything about the games they are trying to combat.

But is the plot really that important for Pixels? Most of the audience will come from the special effects, however the movie is dedicated specifically to a certain portion of the audience, the retro gamers. This movie is a love letter for the games that appeared back in the 80’s, which were definitely amazing and simply incredible to be honest. These are the games that have started the whole gaming society we can see right now, and they are those that make us fire up our consoles or gaming computers each and every day.

Because of that, making Pac-Man and Donkey Kong the villains in Pixels is pretty nice, and judging from the trailer it seems that they did a pretty good job when it comes to the special effects, and the way they recreated the amazing retro characters from our favorite video games. According to the production leaks, it seems that we will see Space Invaders and Frogger as well, alongside the previously mentioned characters, so we are definitely in for a treat, that’s for sure.

Although the idea seems to be taken from a Futurama episode, the reality is that it’s the first time when such a story is told in live action, with special effects, so I am pretty sure this will be a very interesting experience for the audience and definitely something very impressive for us retro gamers.

Pixels is set to launch on July 24, 2015 in the US, and it had a budget of around $110 million, so Columbia pictures does have a lot of money to recover from it. Based on what I saw this far from the movie, I think it’s pretty cool and a sheer delight for any retro gamer out there. If you like retro games, then bookmark the 24th of July and get your tickets early, you are bound to have a lot of fun with this movie!

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max Fury Road

After decades of speculation, we are only weeks away from a new adventure through post-apocalyptic earth.

Fans of the Mad Max franchise have been waiting for this for nearly a quarter century. Those of us a little too young to see Max in the theaters, became fans by renting VHS versions, catching the films on basic cable, or waxing nostalgic with a six plus hour Mad Max Netflix binge. And I’m…

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The Avengers: Age of Ultron

Age of Ultron

Marvel’s Latest “Avengers” Movie Introduces the Famed Supervillain to the Big Screen

The Avengers: Age of Ultron premiered in Los Angeles on Monday, with expectations high for the second film in Marvels Avengers series. From what has been leaked, it looks like the gangs all back. Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye are all present and accounted for. Two new…

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Lucy Cover Art


Scarlett Johansson as Lucy
Director Luc Besson
Writer Luc Besson
Cinematography Thierry Arbogast
Action, Science Fiction

The early levels of Lucy’s transformation present plenty of kicks and even a touching moment or two: After making her badass break out from Jang and his thugs, she struts into the nearest sanatorium’s running room, shoots the…

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The Jurassic Park Film Series

The Jurassic Park Film Series


Jurassic Park is a 1993 American science fiction adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg. It is the first installment of the Jurassic Park franchise. It is based on the 1990 novel of the same name by Michael Crichton, with a screenplay written by Crichton and David Koepp. The film centers on the fictional Isla Nublar, an islet located off Central America’s Pacific Coast, near Costa Rica,…

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Alien / Predator

Alien vs Predator Movie Poster

    Alien vs Predator Movie Poster

In 1994, Kenner frees a group of action figures called Aliens vs. Predator. This followed the 2 initial series of Aliens that were supported Associate in nursing animated series, Operation: Aliens that was ne’er broadcast. As such, the inclusion of Predator is commonly thought of the third and fourth series of the Aliens line. This assortment includes many Aliens, several of that feature…

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