Age of Ultron

The Avengers: Age of Ultron

Marvel’s Latest “Avengers” Movie Introduces the Famed Supervillain to the Big Screen

The Avengers: Age of Ultron premiered in Los Angeles on Monday, with expectations high for the second film in Marvels Avengers series. From what has been leaked, it looks like the gangs all back. Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye are all present and accounted for. Two new characters siblings, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, are introduced, along with Ultron’s newest creation Vision. I have not personally had the privilege of screening this blockbuster, so I am not going to speculate on the plot twists or the edge of your seat finishing scenes. However, let’s take a deeper look into the history and past appearances of the super villain whose name is included in the title, Ultron.
Director Joss Whedon did some explaining at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con where he made a few enlightening statements. In the comic books, Ultron makes his first appearance in Avengers #54. In following issues, it is revealed through flashbacks that Hank Pym created the A.I. self- teaching, self- learning robot Ultron. Director Joss Whedon stated at the expo that the Avengers: Age of Ultron, would not follow that storyline. A new movie set for July release was already deeply involved with the Hank Pym character. Pym turns into superhero The Ant Man, which is the title of the Edgar Wright directed film. To say the least Whedon said it was an issue he took the most heat from, but explained Pym and Ant-Man is Wrights baby. He decided to wrap it up nice and clean for the masses, by making Ultron an Avengers creation, therefore making them responsible for the end of the human race if they do not stop the super villain.
Ultron has a plethora of powers and abilities. Although some abilities differ with varying rebuilds of the super bot, some common powers include superhuman levels of strength, speed, stamina, and durability. Ultron can also take flight at subsonic speeds. A major weapon he uses is a type of ray called an “encephalo-ray”, which places victims in a coma state. It is in this state Ultron can mesmerize and mind-control enemies with subliminal hypnotic suggestions to be used later on. He can convert radiation into energy, and has a super human intellect that helps him analyze and calculate with amazing accuracy. He is a genius with robotics and artificial intelligence. His armor is composed of adamantium, a fictional alloy, which is almost damage proof.
The proper history of Ultron begins back in afore mentioned Avengers #54 (1968), with scientist/inventor Hank Pym creating the A.I. robot. He is introduced as the Crimson Crowl, and plays a big role in creating The Masters of Evil. As events unfold, Ultron learns manipulative powers like brainwashing and hypnotism. Before long he is turning against his creator by brainwashing him into forgetting, he ever created the super intelligent bot. He learned how to rebuild himself, turning himself off and on and upgrading five times. Ultron-5 built an android using the brain patterns and body of two other Marvel heroes, Wonder Man and The Human Torch. This android would become Vision, a tough opponent for any superhero inn his own right. In later issues, Vision turns against Ultron, having developed a conscious and turning against his own creator, Ultron. Appearing in Avengers #66-68 (1969), an upgraded robot emerges calling himself Ultron-6. Here it is explained Ultron used Vision to steal adamantium, the super strong impenetrable fictional alloy, also used in Iron Man. Ultron-6 with his super strong alloy body is actually defeated by the Avengers, although his head remained intact giving him the ability to come back again as Ultron-7. Evil Maximus took his still useable head recreated Utron-7. He had a huge body but it was not cast from adamantium. His battle with the Fantastic 4 ended in failure. The Ultron character next makes an appearance in Avengers #161-162 (1977) as Ultron-8. He takes control of Hank Pym’s mind and created Jocasta. He wants to make her his wife and uses the thought patterns of Pym’s own wife, the Wasp to help him. The Scarlet Witch subsequently defeats him. Through the 1980’s, Ultron-9 and 10 are brought to life to only be defeated by the good guys again. Ultron-9 (created by a hypnotized Iron Man), was knocked into a vat of adamantium, where he cooled and was encased in it forever. The Machine Man. takes out Ultron-10, in the next few issues. Ultron-11 was created by the Beyonder, but is taken out by the Thing during the Secret Wars. The Secret Wars shows that Ultron-11 actually created Ultron-12 to help defeat the West Coast Avengers. This is also, where Doctor Doom make his appearance in the Avengers. Ultron -12 befriended Hank Pym, and works alongside him and Wonder Man to defeat Ultron-11. The twelfth version of the robot then deactivates, leaving us to wonder if Ultron did actually choose to be evil or was naturally hard wired that way. The 1990’s bring us Doctor Doom, the creator of the next Ultron. Doctor Doom uses the previous personalities of Ultron but adds a high amount of Ultron-12, hoping he can keep the robot under his control and subservient. An epic failure ensues with Ultron splitting into multiple personalities and decapitating himself. Daredevil and others finish him off cutting his neck cables. By now, you get the idea there is a recurring theme when it comes to Ultron. The super intelligent robot always has a way to rebuild himself or has hypnotized and brainwashed other highly educated individuals to do it for him. As the story progresses to near present day issues of the Avengers, a group of Phalanx, who take him to their parent world, banishes Ultron into the depths of space where his signal is picked up. Here he merges with the Phalanx and grows his world of minions. It is here in deep space Ultron hones his craft and perfects his upgrades. The Age of Ultron in the comic books tells the story of how with the help of Spider-Man the Avengers do finally defeat Ultron, even with his mind-controlled army, when he comes to settle the score with his nemesis, The Avengers.
I hate to assume things, but the back-story on Ultron could be a whole movie itself, which is why director Joss Whedon decided to simplify the villain’s creation. Well that and Hank Pym and the Ant-Man were already claimed by fellow director Edgar Wright, in his upcoming movie with said title character, as stated above. In the movie, the Avengers are in need of some calmer times after destroying S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony Stark, with the help of fellow scientist Bruce Banner, decides to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, Ultron. This is how the audience is introduced to Ultron. The plan backfires and Ultron is hell bent on destroying the human race.
The abilities of director Joss Whedon and promise of big budget special effects, make this a must see for every demographic. If the Age of Ultron can replicate the first Avengers movie, there should be no mention of the length of the movie or any negative comments. Of course there will be moaning from purists on the movie version creation of Ultron, but I feel his history is too complicated for the millions of people that are not as knowledgeable with the Avengers. I would venture to guess the director did not want people with limited knowledge spending the whole movie asking others “what’s going on?” or “I thought Ultron died already”. The Avengers: Age of Ultron premieres worldwide on May 1, 2015

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Gotham Television Show

Gotham is associate degree yank crime TV series developed by Bruno Heller, supported characters showing in and printed by DC Comics in their attended franchise, primarily those of James Gordon and Bruce Wayne. The series stars mount McKenzie because the young Gordon, whereas Heller got produces in conjunction with Danny Cannon, UN agency additionally directed the pilot. As originally formed, the series would have served as a simple story of Gordon’s period of time on the Gotham town constabulary. The concept evolved not solely to incorporate the Wayne character, however additionally to inform the origin stories of many attendee villains. The primary season order originally consisted of sixteen episodes, however was later extended to twenty two. Gotham premiered on Fox on Gregorian calendar month twenty two, 2014.

A new recruit within the Gotham town local department, James Gordon, is paired with veteran detective MD Bullock to resolve one among Gotham’s highest-profile cases ever: the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Throughout his investigation, Gordon meets the Wayne’s’ son Bruce, currently within the care of his manservant Alfred Pennyworth. Meeting the younger Wayne additional compels Gordon to catch the mysterious killer on the approach, Gordon becomes attached Gotham’s Mafia families and associates as well as mobster Fish Mooney, Don Carmine Falcone, and Italian mob boss Salvatore Maroni. Eventually, Gordon is forced to create associate degree unlikely relationship with Bruce, one which will facilitate form the boy’s future in turning into the attendee.
Rookie detective James Gordon and his partner medico Bullock area unit appointed to the case of the murder of Thomas (Grayson McCouch) and Martha Wayne (Brette Taylor) that was witnessed by street orphan Selina Kyle. Gordon meets the Wayne’s’ son, Bruce, empathizing with him as a result of his witnessing of his own father’s death. Their investigation leads them to a malefactor named Mario Pepper, whom Bullock shoots once he flees and attacks Gordon. They discover that Pepper had been framed leading them to mobsters Fish Mooney. Mooney has them captured however they’re saved by Mooney’s superior and Mafia boss, Carmine Falcone. In exchange, Falcone orders Gordon to kill Lee Harvey Oswald Cobblepot, a low-level member of Mooney’s gang and informant for Gotham MCU investigators Renee Montoya and Crispus Allen. Gordon fakes Cobblepot’s death, telling him to ne’er come back to Gotham. Gordon and Bullock area unit celebrated for finding the Wayne murders, however Gordon confesses the reality to Bruce and his pantry man, male monarch worth. As Gordon leaves, Kyle is seen lingering round the borders of Wayne Manor.

Gotham Animated GIF

Unknown please contact us if you know or are the creator.

The murder of a homeless man leads Gordon and Bullock to research the abductions of street children by Patti (Lili Taylor) and Doug (Frank Whaley), UN agency area unit underlings of Dr. Francis Dulmacher, otherwise referred to as the Dollmaker, and are move as members of the Mayor’s Homeless reaching Program. Meanwhile, Lee Harvey Oswald Cobblepot takes refuge in an exceedingly rented trailer when his faked deaths, plotting his come back to Gotham town. when Patti and Doug escape, with Quillinformer employee Morry Quillan (Wayne Duvall) captured, civil authority Aubrey James announces plans to assist Gotham’s homeless children, that involves misestimating them up and shipping them out of city. Patti and Doug come back and hijack one in every of the buses of street children, together with Selina Kyle. When Bullock’s interrogation of Quillan, Gordon obtains a clue that results in spear International Shipping. Gordon and Bullock arrive and catch Patti and Doug whereas encountering Kyle. whereas Bruce has plans to seek out some way to assist the youngsters, Gordon meets with Kyle UN agency states that she has been looking him throughout his visits with Bruce and might need some info on the one that shot the Wayne’s.

Gordon and Bullock track a volunteer UN agency targets corrupt Gotham voters and nicknamed “Balloonman” for burly his victims to weather balloons. Montoya and Allen question Gordon regarding Cobblepot, UN agency returns to Gotham to urge revenge on Mooney. He gets employment at Mafia Don Sal Maroni’s eating place, and is befriended by Maroni himself. Mooney arranges for Falcone’s lover Natalia to be ugly in an exceedingly phony assault when Falcone’s men severely beat a waiter with whom Mooney had been sexually coupled. Gordon realizes that “Balloonman” is welfare worker Davis Lamond (Dan Bakkedahl), UN agency was driven to become the Balloonman owing to corrupt officers refusing to help youngsters on the streets. He warns Gordon that a lot of vigilantes can follow in his path. At his flat later, Gordon receives a surprise visit from Cobblepot.

Gordon and Bullock track a volunteer UN agency targets corrupt Gotham voters and nicknamed “Balloonman” for burly his victims to weather balloons. Montoya and Allen question Gordon regarding Cobblepot, UN agency returns to Gotham to urge revenge on Mooney. He gets employment at Mafia Don Sal Maroni’s eating place, and is befriended by Maroni himself. Mooney arranges for Falcone’s lover Natalia to be ugly in an exceedingly phony assault when Falcone’s men severely beat a waiter with whom Mooney had been sexually coupled. Gordon realizes that “Balloonman” is welfare worker Davis Lamond (Dan Bakkedahl), UN agency was driven to become the Balloonman owing to corrupt officers refusing to help youngsters on the streets. He warns Gordon that a lot of vigilantes can follow in his path. At his flat later, Gordon receives a surprise visit from Cobblepot.
Ten years past, a disguised killer career himself the “Spirit of the Goat” targeted the primary born of Gotham City’s elite. The Goat targets a woman named Shelley Lawson, which leads a younger Bullock and his partner Detective Dix (Dan Hedaya) to undertake and rescue her. once Lawson is found dead, they notice the killer, Randall Milkie, United Nations agency claims that “Randall Milkie is dead” as he tries to attack them. Milkie is shot down by Bullock when Dix falls through a door and finishes up badly separated. 10 years later, Bullock finds Henry Martyn Robert Hastings’ girl, Amanda, dead by somebody with identical “Goat” motive. Upon surgery, physician sees a penny within her neck, Milkie’s trademark, that solely he and Dix knew, that meant that he wasn’t Associate in nursing cheater. They establish that Hastings’ clinical psychologist Dr. Marks (Susan Misner) mesmerized each Milkie and therefore the new killer to become the Goat to scare Gotham City’s made and corrupt. The “murder” of Cobblepot is additionally investigated, with Gordon the prime suspect as Montoya and Allen finally notice a witness close to the stream. Once they conceive to arrest Gordon and Bullock, Cobblepot enters the police headquarters, inflicting friction between Bullock and Gordon.

Bruce plans to seek out some way to talk to the board members of Wayne Enterprises to find out their connections to the Arkham District Project. A replacement drug referred to as “Viper” is touching the road wherever the user gains super-strength, however eventually kills them. Maroni plans to rob a casino closely-held by Falcone, and Cobblepot reveals his past. Gordon learns that “Viper” (which could be a paradigm of Venom) is being distributed at a charity event command by WellZyn and Wayne Enterprises. Gordon shoots the canister on the roof and former WellZyn worker Stan Potolsky (Daniel London) is exposed, jumping off as he suggests they explore Warehouse thirty-nine, wherever Gordon and Bullock later notice nothing. As Mooney makes plans to conspire against Falcone together with her lover and Russian mob boss Nikolai, a disguised mullet visits him within the park wherever she shares her opera music with him.
Ten years past, a cloaked killer occupation himself the “Spirit of the Goat” targeted the primary born of Gotham City’s elite. The Goat targets a woman named Shelley Lawson that leads a younger Bullock and his partner Detective Dix (Dan Hedaya) to undertake and rescue her. once Lawson is found dead, they notice the killer, Randall Milkie, World Health Organization claims that “Randall Milkie is dead” as he tries to attack them. Milkie is shot down by Bullock when Dix falls through a door and winds up badly slashed. 10 years later, Bullock finds Henry M. Robert Hastings’ female offspring, Amanda, dead by somebody with a similar “Goat” motive. Upon surgery, medico sees a penny within her neck, Milkie’s trademark, that solely he and Dix knew, that meant that he wasn’t Associate in nursing faker. They ascertain that Hastings’ therapist Dr. Marks (Susan Misner) mesmerized each Milkie and therefore the new killer to become the Goat to scare Gotham City’s made and corrupt. The “murder” of Cobblepot is additionally investigated, with Gordon the prime suspect as Montoya and Allen finally notice a witness close to the stream. After they commit to arrest Gordon and Bullock, Cobblepot enters the station house, inflicting friction between Bullock and Gordon.

Bruce plans to seek out how to talk to the board members of Wayne Enterprises to find out their connections to the Arkham District Project. A replacement drug referred to as “Viper” is hit the road wherever the user gains super-strength, however eventually kills them. Maroni plans to rob a casino owned by Falcone, and Cobblepot reveals his past. Gordon learns that “Viper” (which may be a paradigm of Venom) is being distributed at a charity event command by WellZyn and Wayne Enterprises. Gordon shoots the canister on the roof and former WellZyn worker Stan Potolsky (Daniel London) is exposed, jumping off as he suggests they inspect Warehouse thirty-nine, wherever Gordon and Bullock later notice nothing. As Mooney makes plans to conspire against Falcone along with her lover and Russian mob boss Nikolai, a disguised Mugil Liza visits him within the park wherever she shares her opera music with him.

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Superman/Aliens Comic Cover

Superman/Aliens 2

Superman/Aliens Comic Cover

Accompanying Doctor Cheryl Kimble—head of Lexcorp’s space division—on the investigation of an incoming probe as part of Lexcorp’s attempts to improve its public image, Clark is shocked to discover that the pod’s transmissions are a Kryptonian distress call. Making contact with the pod, Superman receives a telepathic transmission of a city that survived the destruction of its planet, and is now running out of resources. Taking a ship to investigate the city—which is located far from any sun, causing his powers to fade the longer he remains—Superman discovers a small group of unconscious survivors and sends them back to the Lexcorp satellite in his ship. Further exploration pits him against an Alien, but his depleted powers allow the creature to wound him before he is rescued by Kara, another survivor of the city, who explains that the Aliens came from an abandoned freighter containing an Alien Queen that crashed on Argo years ago.

Back on the Lexcorp satellite, the chestbursters hatch from the hosts that Superman sent back, leaving Doctor Kimble determined to capture and analyse them while Lois Lane is forced to face an Alien in the hangar, only just managing to force the Alien into space by opening the airlock while she hides in the ship. As Kimble witnesses two of the remaining chestbursters “hatch,” Lois torches the infants with a spray can and a match, but she and Kimble are forced together to escape the last, full-grown Alien as it begins to tear the satellite apart.

As Superman and Kara attempt to escape, both of them are captured and “impregnated” with embryos, but this gives them an advantage; since Superman’s embryo is that of an Alien Queen, the Aliens won’t risk harming him. As they escape, Superman learns that Kara is not from Krypton, but from Odiline, the planet where The Cleric—the being who originally gave Superman the Eradicator—laid the bodies of his Kryptonian followers to rest after their demise, with Odiline growing to revere Kryptonians as their spiritual protectors, adopting much of their customs and language. Reaching the freighter that brought the Aliens to Argo originally, the two discover escape pods and transporter booths, but the pods launch mechanisms are jammed; the only way to launch them is to destroy the ship. While Superman preps the coordinates, Kara sets the core to overload before returning to a transporter booth; unfortunately, crucial seconds are lost when Superman uses the booth to teleport the embryo out of her, with Kara being forced out of the booth by an Alien attack moments before the ship is destroyed and the pod launched.

Arriving back in Earth’s solar system, Superman’s powers are restored just in time to stop the chestburster from emerging, allowing him to “crush” it and regurgitate out of his system before catching the falling satellite, Kimble subsequently killing the last Alien. As Superman departs, however, he is left mourning the loss of Kara—the closest thing to a sister he might ever know—unaware that she made it to a pod before Argo’s destruction and remains lost in space.

My name is Terry Myers, – Officially Awesome!